
It Certainly Is Blitz! Yeah Yeah Yeahs Album…

 It has been far far too long since we've heard that funky and terribly quirky voice from Karen O. Her amazing vocal techniques, paired with the fantastic guitar stylings of Nick Zinner and the intuitive…

Have You Heard Of These Iconic Bands?

[caption id="attachment_483" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Devo Photographed by Jay Spencers"][/caption] Music can sometimes be an education, introducing the listener to new sounds and new artists, and sometimes like today, press material lands in my inbox for…

Fugative: Jimmy Shoe (Single Review)

As regular readers of music.co.uk will know, we recently introduced you to rising hip hop star Fugative. With his single release fast approaching, it appears it’s not just screaming girls at his gigs that have…

The Jose Carreras Collection (Album Review)

The problem I have with Opera, if you can call it a problem, is that I’m not fluent in Spanish, Russian, or Italian, the languages commonly used in operatic material. So I slid the first…


A Girl’s Guide to the Moshpit

Going to gigs is perhaps my most favourite pasttime. To be honest, I have no savings whatsoever, because I go to gigs as often as possible, to enjoy music and naturally enjoy my life. However,…

Happy Birthday Ronnie Scott’s!

When you think of true legends in the music world, how many of you think of music venues? Probably not many, well it’s about time that changed, so join with me as I wish the…