
The Answer – Everyday Demons review

CD Review Artist: The Answer Album title: Everyday Demons Recently I wrote a review of a one-track promo by The Answer. I may have said that it it was up in the air whether it'd…

A Very Brief History: The National Anthem

 Whether you despise their existance for interrupting the start of your football match, or your adore their presence for striking patriotism into the hearts of the citizens of your country, every nation has its own…

Opera: A Beginner’s Guide

 Many would consider a night at the opera either, a fantastic cultural experience, or the most boring thing they've ever encountered. Naturally, depending on your musical background, as well as your indulgence in the arts,…

Summer Gigs and Festivals

[caption id="attachment_463" align="aligncenter" width="238" caption="The Killers Headline Benicassim Festival in Spain"][/caption] If you’ve been enjoying a rare burst of sunshine recently, then you’re thoughts may also have turned to the summer, and what a summer…