/Newton Faulkner: Rebuilt By Humans (Album)

Newton Faulkner: Rebuilt By Humans (Album)

Album Sampler

Newton Faulkner had a start to his career that some can only dream of. The Brit nominated singer-songwriter had his debut album, ‘Hand Built By Robots’ reach the number one spot, and hit a million sales. Now he’s picked up his acoustic guitar once again, and crafted the follow-up entitled ‘Rebuilt By Humans’. The album title bears more than a passing reference to Newton breaking his wrist and dislocating his right hand while in France. Thankfully operations were both successful, and career saving, otherwise music.co.uk wouldn’t have the chance to review this album teaser.

The album sampler starts very strongly with the track ‘This Is It’. This track has some lovely subtle drums, and interesting guitar arrangements. It starts off a little slow, but builds up nicely into a soaring, refreshing melody. I think Newton’s voice is at its best here too. The C.D continues nicely with ‘Over and Out’ a pure romp of acoustic guitar goodness. The vocal arrangement is quite quirky in the verses, while the chorus is smoother, more commercial, and ripples with emotion. These two tracks were definite highlights for me, and I also enjoyed the final song ‘Let’s Get Together’. This song is filled with warm/homely images, and is great if you’re looking for a chill out acoustic tune.

Other tracks on the sampler include ‘I Took It Out On You’ which stands out for it’s soulful simplicity, and the funky ‘back to nature’ themed ‘Bad Man’. There’s also a song called ‘Won’t Let Go’ which for me was the weak point on the C.D. Although it’s quite a lively track, it’s maybe a little too frenetic with the guitars, and I was left undecided as to how well the guitars and orchestral sounds fitted with the vocal.

Although I wasn’t too keen on ‘Won’t Let Go’, the rest of the C.D was an enjoyable listen. It’s interesting to hear the fusion of quirky/folk verses, with very strong pop choruses, and the vocal for the most part was smooth yet distinctive. I look forward to hearing the rest of the album, and anything further Newton Faulkner does in the future.

•    ‘This Is It’ single release available now. To view the video Click Here

•    The album ‘Rebuilt By Humans’ is due for release on September 28th.

•   Click Here to read our interview with Newton Faulkner!