/City Girls: Make Up Your Mind Single Review

City Girls: Make Up Your Mind Single Review

Album Artwork
Single Sleeve

Ooh I can’t remember the last time I had the chance to review a girl band (where are you all hiding!) so this review makes a change. City Girls are one of the latest projects to come from music supremo Kim Glovers stable, and it’s quite easy to see what direction she’s moving in with this project. just picture a smaller scale Pussycat Dolls, with a better image and you’ll know what I mean.

Their new single ‘Make Up Your Mind’ is an uptempo R&B track with electro/dance undertones. If there’s such a thing as a sexy song, then I think this would fall into that category. There are some pop harmonies in the chorus, and some cool urban rhythms elsewhere, which will give it some crossover appeal. I am sure DJ’s all over the country will be waiting to get their hands on this track, and spin/remix if they haven’t already. I was expecting the lyrics to be a bit less generic, and the vocals in the chorus to have as much punch as the verses. I’d like to see them step it up a notch with the album. That said, it’s a smooth, slick, well produced, quite catchy song. I like what I see so far of the girls attitude and image, and it will be good to get another home grown girl band out there in the music world. Wishing them luck with their single and album releases. ‘Make Up Your Mind’ about the City Girls at www.citygirlsofficial.com.

Single released 26th July 2009.