/Wretch 32 A Big Hit

Wretch 32 A Big Hit

Wretch 32 is quickly becoming a major name within the UK music industry and many young music stars are aspiring to be just like him. The raise to fame which Wretch 32 has gained has been a great boost for the music industry in the UK.

The latest biggest coop for the singer is that he is now fronting the new Adidas advertisements; this has ensured that his exposure has grown greatly.

The singer has told his young fans that anybody can do what he has done and that it is simple to go from being nobody to someone big.

The twenty seven year old rapper from Tottenham said that not long ago he was the artist that nobody was listening to and now everybody listens to him on their radio.

The star Wretch 32, real name Jermaine Scott, is now hoping that his music career will pick up even further and go worldwide.

As inspiration to the young wannabe artists Wretch 32 has stated that the Olympics should be used as a major talking point in raps. The Games should be a major point of inspiration for artists in the opinion of Wretch 32.