The BBC’s equivalent television show to the popular ITV X Factor show had first expected to have been a major hit. The show that features four inconic judges; Will.I.Am, Sir Tom Jone, Jessie J and lead singer Danny from The Script has so far enjoyed bumper ratings.
The shows adds a twist of not being able to see the artist and therefore they must be judged on their ‘voice’ rather than on their looks or personality.
So far the show has had excellent viewing figures and this comes as a surprise to many people as it is up against the also popular Britain’s Got Talent.
Although the success that The Voice had been enjoying ended on Sunday when watchers discovered that the music show was being presented as being live when actually it had been pre-recorded the evening before.
In the show two judges had to vote off one of their acts on the Sunday evening, suggesting that this was a live show. The reality is that this was filmed straight after the live singing contest held on the Saturday.
The BBC are now facing a major backlash from viewers and many are suggesting this makes a mockery of the music show.