/One Pount Fish to go International

One Pount Fish to go International

The One Pound Fish man is about to hit major stardom after it was revealed that his popular song would be released outside of the UK. News has emerged that there has been a schedule put in place for the song to be released in a number of different areas.

Muhammad Sahid Nazir who shot to fame when he released a song named ‘One Pund Fish’. It has now been revealed that the song is set to be released in France and also the United States.

The market trader turned comedy singer has already had more than twelve and half million views on YouTube in the UK. Nazir has now travelled to Paris in order to promote the song throughout France.

The signer has also managed to secure live performances in Switzerland , Dubai and Tukey.

Recent reports have speculated that Nazir is set to be deported from the UK but the Internet star has denied this.

The Bollywood dance pop song has now risen to number twenty eight in the UK music charts. It is believed that the signer is working on a twelve track album that will be released in the UK shortly.