Released 28th September
Welcome to the world of Pink Punk, an Urban Music outfit that combine rap, hip hop, urban/grime beats, and slam poetry to produce something quite different. Whether it’s different in a good way will likely be open to debate, when Pink Punk release their single ‘Rockstars’ on September 28th.
To be honest, although I do listen to a bit of hip hop, rap and grime, and slam poetry isn’t really in my comfort zone, but nevertheless I kept an open mind as I listened to their single, and two other tracks in my promo package.
Lead track ‘Rockstars’ I found quite hard to get into. I didn’t really understand where they were coming from with the lyrics, and found the overall vocal performances quite poor. It didn’t really deliver anything new or exciting to the world of urban music, even with the presence of guest vocalist Kate Tempest.
Their song ‘End Times’ was much better, thanks largely to the presence of Kate Tempest’s Jazz/Hip Hop band, who added a nice, chilled, melodic feel to the music. I’m not sure how well it worked layered with a rap, but I did enjoy it.
The best track of the three has to be ‘Calling Time’, an unexpected, yet delightful song, and a style I would’ve liked to have heard a lot more of. There are subtle urban beats, interwoven with first class guitar work, and haunting orchestral sounds, all of which are very atmospheric. The folk/urban fusion works well, and the vocal is first class. A definite treat, sandwiched in-between two not so strong tracks.
After listening to all three tracks, I’m still not quite sure what to make of Pink Punk, and I don’t know if the wider audience will get what this act is all about. Some areas of their music need some work, but if there are more tracks like ‘Calling Time’ out there, then it’s certainly worth sticking with it.
For more information on Pink Punk, please visit or