The details of a touring show by acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil created to celebrate the life and music of Michael Jackson has been announced. The show, known as Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour will begin in Montreal in October 2011. The tour will then go on to visit 26 cities in North America for eight months. The Director of the show, Jamie King has stated that Jackson’s Neverland Ranch was the inspiration for “this world of magic, fairy tale”. The profits which are created from the tour will be split between the Cirque du Soleil and the Jackson estate.
The show will last for 90 minutes and will feature excerpts from Jackson’s music videos as well as scenes from This Is It documentary. The director, Jamie King has previously directed tours for artists including Madonna, Rhianna and Celine Dion. He has said the new show was “really about a central character, or character, who get transported into this world of Neverland where they learn everything there is to know about Michael”. King has also expressed that Michael Jackson is featured throughout the entire show but a stand in will not be used at any point.
The show will visit cities including New York, Miami, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. A tree will be used in the show to represent Jackson’s favourite oak from outside his Neverland bedroom. If the show is successful, it may travel outside of the US and Canada.