I first came across Lauren via the slightly unorthodox method of an online web stream of her gig, and even on web cam she grabbed my attention. After watching her excellent set, I was determined to find out more, so here is my interview with the talented Lauren Pritchard.
1. Hi Lauren, this is another Lauren from music.co.uk. First off what should we all know about Lauren Pritchard?
Hmm… I guess a few things you should know are: I love living in the UK, and touring, singing, writing. It’s been an excellent couple of years in Britain, and I’m happy to have felt so welcome in a foreign country. A few things I like are Granola Bars, Hello Kitty, French Language & Reading.
2. And is there anything interesting people may not know about you?
Something most people don’t know about me, is that I danced/studied classical ballet for 12 years (I wish I could take classes more often).
3. I recently watched a live stream of your gig in Chelmsford online (which was great). How much has the internet helped you in your career so far, especially as you now have fans on both sides of the Atlantic?
It’s helped me stay in touch with fans, as well as family and friends. I can let people know what I’m up to, and amazingly there are people/fans who’ve stuck by me and I’m thankful to them, and thankful that I have the ability to still communicate with them even though I’ve come to the UK for a bit. It’s also been amazing to get in touch with new fans I’ve made over the touring dates recently.
4. What were your impressions of London/the UK when you first arrived here, and have they changed since?
I’ve always been blown away by the variety of culture and the “melting pot” nature of the UK. I’ve always been open to change and exploring new places, so when I first came to the UK I was totally up for diving right into the experience, and learning how things are done on this side of the pond! My impressions of it haven’t really changed; I’ve just grown fonder of the UK the more time I spend here.
5. How is your UK tour going, and have you had any particularly memorable gigs you can tell us about?
The tour has been a blast, it’s just nice playing and singing everyday, and my band mates are amazing which makes it an even better experience. One of my favourite gigs so far is my gig in Falmouth (Cornwall) at the beginning of February. It was right on the beach at the Gylly Beach Café, great crowd, great scenery (great Sunday evening curry) and I even made some friends too!! My first gig in Glasgow at the Liquid Ship was memorable as well. It was a small venue (only about 60 capacity) in the bottom of the pub, but so many people turned out, as well as my friends who are in the band Kassidy (signed to Mercury) in Glasgow. I was surprised to see such a crowd for my first show. The acoustics downstairs were great too.
6. What can you tell us about your ‘Jackson Sessions EP’, and how can our readers get hold of it?
The EP is out 3rd May!! It’ll be in stores then, as well as on I-Tunes, so people can get a hold of it that way. Or if people come down to a gig previous to the 3rd of May, they can pick up a card with a web address where they can download a free one!
7. Are there any British delicacies you’re enjoying, or things that Americans do best food/drink wise?
There is nothing like a great Sunday roast, or Indian curry. The tea is much better here as well! I’d also never had High Tea before, with scones, jam, the works. That is truly a treat!! I’ve yet to have a milkshake like we do in America though! Also, there are certain brands I miss being able to buy in the grocery store, though I really like British food.
8. As we’ve recently covered The 3rd Degree Festival onsite, our next question is, how is it to be a special guest at an event like this, and performing alongside grass roots/student talent?
I love playing along side people my own age. It’s also really inspiring to see new & creative talent that’s coming up. It keeps my creative wheels turning!!
9. Which artists would make up your ultimate compilation album?
Joni Mitchell, The Black Keys, Billy Joel, MGMT, Carole King, Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Eminem, Annie Lennox, Neil Young, Howard Tate, Sheryl Crow, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Ryan Adams, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson (It’d be a long compilation album hahahahaha).
10. Finally, what do you enjoy doing outside of music, or would like to do given the chance?
Reading, jogging & pilates, studying French. I wish I could have time, and a place to surf, I miss that a lot about living in California. I video chat with my family when I can, go to my church in Wembley when I’m in town. I don’t have much free time any more, but when I do I try and make the most of it
Don’t forget Lauren releases her ‘Jackson Sessions’ EP on May 3rd. For information about this, and her forthcoming tour dates visit www.myspace.com/laurenpritchardmusic. A talent not to be missed in 2010!