Waxworks which have been constructed of Lady Gaga are to be simultaneously unveiled in eight locations around the world, Madame Tussauds has revealed. The figures which have been created will feature a different outfit of the singer who has become famous due to her music and flamboyant style. The models will go on display next month and are all being created in the same London studio. It is believed that the total cost for all of these models is an estimated £1.2m. A spokesperson for the Madame Tussard establishment has stated that Lady Gaga is the “perfect subject for the biggest figure launch in Madame Tussauds’ History”. The models will appear in London, Amsterdam, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles, Las Vega, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
Although fans will have to wait until the release date to discover which model will be located where. Madame Tussauds has also stated that the styles which will feature on the statues will be “classic Gaga” ensuring that every style will be excessively flamboyant. One of the looks which is believed to be featured is the singer’s latex body suit with Minnie Mouse style buns. This is an outfit which Lady Gaga wore on a visit to BBC Radio 1. Another of the looks will be a lace body stocking and face mask topped off with a Marie Antoinette wig, this was worn at the Brit Awards earlier this year.