has been reviewing an awful lot of indie/rock and folk music recently, all done by guys, so I thought it was about time we injected a bit of female fronted fun into the site, and Kyrah could be just what the music doctor ordered.
If you’re looking for a feisty, sexy, cheeky lady, then Kyrah is the lady for you. She is a Brit born singer-songwriter, but after some bad experiences with the music industry in Britain, moved to America to work on her music. If first impressions are anything to go by, she’s fully embraced the electro pop sound that quite a few singers have come out with stateside, which could lead to comparisons with the likes of Britney and Christina. Where I think Kyrah differs from these artists however, is she doesn’t cross the line; although her outfits are sexy and her lyrics are cheeky, neither comes over as cheap to me.
‘Uh Oh’ delivers lyrics about a devil may care girl having a one-night stand, and has a well produced, sonic, electro pop soundscape for clubbers to dance around to. It’s a definite night out kind of song, so it seemed a little out of place on my stereo in the middle of the morning! For me it’s also more of a grower than an immediate hit and although the video matches the storyline well, improvements in the camera shots, and less of the dancing around on a toilet would have made it more interesting!
It’s quite a promising debut, and she writes well for her sector of the market, though
I would like to hear more of what she can do vocally, perhaps a stripped down track would be good to really show what she can do as a singer.
For more on this Anglo-American singer-songwriter, you can check out ‘Uh Oh’ is released on June 28th.