People from all walks of life embrace music, this fact is a given, but how often do you hear of Sailors getting a record deal to record an album of Sea Shanties, from one of the giants in the music business?
It might sound a bit random, but it’s very much true, and the ten men involved are no doubt celebrating the twist of fate that netted them a deal with one of the music industries big fishes! The sailors are all past or present members of the local fishing, coastguard, of lifeboat communities in Port Isaac, Cornwall, and have been singing together for 15 years. They formed a group with the intention of learning the words to traditional Sea Shanties, and were spotted singing these in a local pub. The holidaymaker who spotted them was none other than an employee at Universal, who promptly signed them up to record an album, which has been recorded in a 15th Century Cornish Church. ‘The Fishermens Friends’ as they have dubbed themselves release the record in April, and will then appear at Glastonbury Festival in the summer!
This is only the second time I’ve heard of a Sea Shanty Album, the first being released in 2006 by a superstar line-up that included Bono, and Jarvis Cocker, so no doubt Universal have a unique product on their hands. As for the rest of us, maybe we should get down to Port Isaac for a good old sing-along, and fish and chip supper! Nothing like embracing a bit of Cornish tradition after all!