Another day, another new act to introduce to (aren’t we good to you lot?!). Tackling our ’15 Questions’ this time around, we have an acoustic songstress from Blackpool. Laura Catlow releases her third single, ‘You’re Looking Rough/The Chicken Shop Blues’ in May. She chats to us in the midst of a gigging run that takes her up and down the UK.
How would you describe your act, in the style of an advert?
“Brand new in box, great for controlling boredom and feelings of anxiety. Responds to clapping and praise. Must be fed and watered regularly.”
If you could read one newspaper headline about yourselves in 2010, what would it be?
“Catlow in Jeremy Kyle Bust Up Shocker.”
If a radio station gave you control of their shows and playlists for a day, what would you do?
Ban anything X-Factor related and have a rock n roll themed morning, a punk style lunch hour, and the craziest evening of music you have ever heard in your life. Think Sonic Youth, mixed with some gangsta rap and Rock Lobster by the B-52s.
You decide to plan a launch for your new album/single release, what would your ideal event be?
All expenses paid weekend in Vegas, hosted by Elvis, and a road trip in a 1950s Chevrolet, where I would pick up hitch hikers and make them listen to my demos.
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learnt about the music industry?
Get EVERYTHING in writing.
Are there any instruments or other music related skills you’d like to pick up or improve on?
So many things. I can sort of play the piano, but I’m really terrible. I’d love to be able to play it properly.
You’re asked to design/come up with something to giveaway to fans at your gigs, what would it be?
Kittens with my name shaved onto their backs. I’d pass them out at the end of gigs, from a basket which I would carry around. Whilst skipping. (interesting answer)
What’s your favourite part of music history? (acts/genres etc)
I love rock n roll. I’m really into anything a bit country lately too. But proper rock n roll, hillbilly, Johnny Cash style stuff. I’ve been listening to Reverend Horton Heat, and I’d love to find a double bass player and try some rockabilly stuff myself.
What was the last thing you googled online?
The spelling of Chevrolet. (See question 4)
Have you any funny ‘You’ve Been Framed’ style stories you can share with us?
When I was about 13, my friend Tracey and I tried to create a You’ve Been Framed video to send up to Lisa Riley. It involved a skate board and a washing line. I don’t think it worked out.
Who would you most like to interview and what would you ask them?
Lisa Riley. I’d ask her why she never featured my video.
Do you still buy CD singles/albums, or is it all about downloads?
Yes I bought Lady Gaga’s album the other day. She’s the best thing to come out of popular music in a long time in my opinion. The only one who’s doing something different and being brave with music.
Who do you think we should watch out for music wise this year?
I’d like to say myself. But I’d be lying. However, if you would like to watch out for me, that would be nice. If you see me wandering around aimlessly at train stations, take me by the hand and point me in the direction of the north.
How would you promote the British music scene abroad?
I’d wear a flat cap and sing ‘The Old Bamboo’.
And finally, what else should we know about your act?
I’m a 22 year old acoustic singer/songwriting northern lass. Join my quest for enlightenment at Thank you.